6 Eating Tips for People With Breathing Issues

6 Eating Tips for People With Breathing Issues

When you eat, your body needs extra oxygen to digest the food. This requirement is naturally achieved in healthy people. However, those with breathing disorders like asthma and bronchitis sometimes have a deficient oxygen supply that interferes with digestion. Therefore, it becomes more critical for them to watch their diet. Here are some eating tips when you have breathing issues.

1. Increase vitamin D consumption
The Vitamin D Council says that children between six and 15 can have lesser asthma attacks if they have sufficient vitamin D. The vitamin is also known to defeat viruses that affect the respiratory tract and trigger COPD. The primary sources of vitamin D include milk and fortified orange juice. But if you are allergic to dairy, avoid milk since an allergic reaction to food can also trigger asthma attacks.

2. Have more vitamin A
This is another nutrient that helps control respiratory illnesses and boosts lung function by naturally repairing damaged cells in the organ. A 2018 study found that children who have asthma had lower vitamin A levels than children without the condition. The primary sources of vitamin A are carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables.

3. Eat more apples and bananas
Apples and bananas are the best fruits for people with breathing issues. Besides lowering the chances of asthma, apples also contain pectin – a kind of soluble fiber that aids in digestion and prevents constipation and diarrhea. On the other hand, eating bananas is known to decrease wheezing in children with asthma. This is because bananas contain potassium and antioxidants that help in better lung function.

4. Avoid sulfites
Sulfites are preservatives found in foods that worsen asthma. These can be found in wine, pickled foods, dried fruits, shrimp, bottled lime and lemon juice, and maraschino cherries. When consumed in excess, sulfites can even be life-threatening. So one valuable eating tip is to stay away from these foods when you have breathing issues.

5. Say “no” to gassy foods
If you eat large portions of foods that produce gas in the body, it can put extra pressure on the diaphragm. This happens especially in people with acid reflux. Gassy foods can lead to tightness in the chest and flare-up asthma symptoms. So to avoid this, stay away from foods like cabbage, beans, onions, garlic, carbonated drinks, and fried foods.

6. Avoid salicylates
Although rare, some asthma patients could be sensitive to salicylates found in tea, specific spices, herbs, coffee, and even in nature. Salicylates are natural chemicals that block digestive enzymes. So, if you are sensitive to these compounds, stay away from these food items.

These are some valuable eating tips when you have breathing issues. It is best to consult a doctor to determine the cause of the problem and plan your diet accordingly.