Major Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Experiencing pain and burning sensation in the throat, stomach, or chest can often result from acid reflux, a condition in which the stomach acid travels back to the esophagus. It is common for people to mistake the symptoms of acid reflux. But it is important to note that acid reflux can lead to severe problems such as Barrett’s esophagus if left untreated.
So, here’s a list of symptoms of acid reflux that should not be ignored.
1. Pain in the chest, especially after meals
This is one of the most common symptoms of acid reflux. However, this symptom is often confused with a heart attack. Although no one should self-diagnose, there are some ways to differentiate between acid reflux and a heart attack. For example, if the chest pain is caused due to a heart problem, it will feel more like pressure or tightness. The pain can also reach your arms, jaws, back, and neck. Also, it will be accompanied by dizziness, sweating, problems with breathing, nausea, or irregularities in pulse. On the other hand, if the chest pain is caused due to acid reflux, it will be a sharp pain that usually results from eating a heavy or spicy meal.
2. Excessive saliva
After eating a meal, if your mouth gets filled with saliva, it can be acid reflux. As soon as an irritant enters the throat, the salivary gland comes into action and starts producing saliva in excess. This is why you experience excess saliva in your mouth before vomit and an acid reflux episode. The saliva is produced to remove or wash out whatever is there in the throat or whatever will come up.
3. Worsening of symptoms while lying down
Acid reflux is caused when stomach acids travel back to the esophagus. This means your symptoms can worsen when you lie down or bend. When you are sitting straight, thanks to gravity, your food stays in the stomach. But when you lie down, you are at a higher risk of getting reflux.
4. Wheezing or breathing problems
If you are experiencing breathing problems, which worsen at night, acid reflux could be the reason behind it. While you are lying down at night, the stomach acid, which is washing up to your esophagus, can cause wheezing. The acid which is traveling back upwards can also enter the airways and irritate. This can lead to coughing and choking.
5. Acidic or sour taste
When stomach acid washes up into the esophagus, it can leave a sour taste in your mouth or an acidic taste in the throat. If you have experienced a bitter taste in your mouth while eating, acid reflux can be the reason behind it.